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Octopus triple extension set with Bionector®.
Multi-lumen extension sets maintain separate fluid pathways right up the catheter hub, preventing the mixing of incompatible drugs with the extension set.
About Bionector®:
Bionector® is a closed, needle-free I.V. access system, which minimises the risk of infection and eliminates the risk of needle-stick injury during I.V. access. Bionector® can be used for up to 7 days, or 360 accesses.
When the Bionector® is in place you can infuse, inject, sample blood and change I.V. tubing without opening the I.V. system, enhancing safety and sterility.
The system is ideal for veterinary use and allows easy, repeated I.V. connection and disconnection, however uncooperative the patient. Moves between theatres, together with those vital comfort breaks out in the yard become easier - simply clean the hub before and after each access.
Bionector® is available individually with a choice of application techniques and as an integral part of I.V. extension lines.
Advantages of using needle-free valves: